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11 Proven Tips on How to Grow a Thicker Beard

How thick your beard grows is largely dependent on genetics, and there aren’t any products that you can safely use to directly facilitate a thicker beard.

The problem for most men is that once the beard reaches a certain point, itchiness can become so out of control that they shave or trim a beard too early.

Combine this with a poor diet and improper skin care techniques, the beard looks thin and weak, to say the least.

Men believe that the beard is associated with masculinity, power, leadership, and wisdom, the thicker the beard the more respect it commands. it’s essential to outline the qualities of a great beard.

What you CAN do is ensure the conditions in which you are growing your beard are ideal for optimal and healthy growth. You can do this by the following tips

What Makes Beard Thicker

Often it feels like some men’s beards grow thicker and fuller in just 2, 3 weeks, while you have to wait for yours to become thicker the whole eternity.

The reality is that those men’s beards don’t grow faster than yours. They grow at the same rate as yours.

What happens here is that you get the illusion that someone’s beard is thicker, based on 3 factors:

1. Beard color – darker beards look thicker and fuller

2. Beard density – thicker facial hair seems fuller and gives the impression that the beard is growing faster although it’s not

3. Diameter of hair strands – some men have thicker hair follicles, and that’s why their beards look thicker

Although significant, genetics is not the only factor that determines how thick will your beard be.

Other factors are your age and overall health.

When it comes to age, teenagers are often disappointed when they experience a patchy beard.

The truth is that the older you get, the thicker your beard will grow, and some patches you may be experiencing will start to fill in over time.

In the matter of fact, only a few men can grow a thick beard for the first few years they start producing facial hair, even those with good beard genes.

The critical thing at this stage is patience because your beard needs time to develop its density properly.

In the twenties, beard continues to develop, reaching its full potential.

Up until the thirties, the beard should be fully developed and thick. If not, that means the beard is not in your genes.

Don’t get discouraged with this just yet. Although you can’t affect how fast your beard grows, you can make it appear and even grow thicker.

Here are some simple tips you can implement today that will grow a thicker beard in less time than you might think.

The Four Week Beard Rule

The four-week rule means one thing, grow thicker beard consistently instead of missing out on the full potential.

The sad truth is most guys do things to impede the growth of the beard long before it reaches its full potential.

For many men, the beard begins itching around the two to three-week mark, and they let this consume them to the point they either shave or trim before the hair reaches thick status.

The reason the hair is itching is a combination of two things. The first is poor grooming habits, basically, the skin is not being moisturized so it can withstand the hair follicles piercing through.

Secondly, as new hairs grow, they cause slight irritation in the skin that will subside in a few days, but most guys can’t get to that point.

The trick to growing a thicker beard is to be able to get past that four-week mark.

Even if you see patchiness and believe the hair will never fill in the gaps, you need to learn to be very patient when it comes to beard growth.

It is at the four-week mark that most beards will start to connect and fill in better, then you are in the best position to evaluate your unique condition.

The bottom line here is growing a thicker beard is a commitment on your part, you must get past the stubble phase to allow the beard to take shape and grow more rapidly.

If you start trimming and shaping too early, you stop the growth process and never attain that truly thick beard. Because not all beard hair grows equally.

Steps Before Starting to Grow Your Beard

A couple of things can be done at the very beginning of your beard growing journey to help your beard become thicker later:

Wash your beard regularly, but make sure you don’t over-wash it. If you do it every day, chances are your beard will soon start to dry out and become more prone to damaging.
Apply beard oil since the first day. This way you will prevent excessive itching, and your beard will grow softer and healthier.

Noticing glaring patches or a lack of density in a few spots requires a little boost from your side.

You may find it hard to believe, but there is also good news in having a difficulty to grow a thicker beard from a young age.

Studies have shown that men who can’t develop a thicker beard when they are young won’t have to worry about going bald as they get older.

The Next Steps

If you’ve survived the first month of bearding without shaving, congratulations.

After you have made it to the four-week mark, you will have two choices when it comes to growing a thicker beard.

You have one option of simply letting it grow on its own, letting it reach its full potential. The other option is to begin to sculpt, shape, and groom the beard.

Letting it grow more naturally will earn you man points, but grooming helps to give you a more polished appearance.

Now comes the part of making your beard look more polished by grooming it.

Some men tend to groom the beard from the start, but in that case, there’s a risk. You can easily misjudge how your beard grows or its natural lines, and mess things up.

If that happens, you’ll have to regrow an area that you may have trimmed or shaved by mistake.

Trimming with scissors and with best beard trimmer is ideal, but consider utilizing a beard oil to help keep the skin below moisturized too.

The beard oil will soak into the beard and skin, and help it grow thicker.

Grow Thicker Beard Faster

The following tips are designed to help you grow that thick beard after you have made it to the 4-week mark:

1. Take Care of Your Skin

Healthy skin is the foundation of a healthy, thick beard. That’s why you’re going to need a good moisturizer.

Cleaning and washing your face regularly will stimulate circulation, exfoliate the skin, remove dead skin cells that are causing ingrown hairs, and open up your pores.

A good moisturizer keeps your skin healthy. In return, you’ll notice increased beard growth, which leads to thicker beard over time.

2. Start Exercising

The first thing you can do to improve the quality of your beard is exercising on a regular basis. This is the solid foundation in which you need to build upon to grow thicker hair, so start by losing some of that excess weight you have.

Although all exercises help your beard grow thicker in one way or another, some of them are more helpful than the rest.

Cardio workouts, brisk walking, running, cycling, and dance are proven to make your beard thicker in a faster manner.

This will in turn increase testosterone, which promotes healthy follicles and hair growth. The exercise also increases blood circulation which provides all the nutrients the hair needs to grow thicker and stronger.

With more exercise, you’ll not only increase testosterone, but also DHT (dihydrotestosterone).

This is testosterone’s product, which is also crucial when you’re trying to get a thicker beard. DHT promotes the linear growth of each hair, resulting in curlier and thicker beard.

When adding exercise to your daily routine, you should be careful and start slowly, especially if you haven’t done it before.

A personal trainer can help you perform exercises correctly in the beginning while reducing the possibility of injuring.

3. Reducing Stress

When you are stressing about everything in your life, you increase the cortisol in your body. This will have a negative impact on testosterone development.

The stress also can constrict the blood vessel, making it more challenging for the nutrients in the blood to get to the hair follicles.

Stress can be divided into short and long-term stress. Everyone often experiences daily or short-term stress.

Men who are trying to grow a thicker beard may find it especially harmful because it disrupts their sleep pattern. Not getting enough sleep directly affects your beard, making it more challenging to grow thicker.

Long-term stress lasts an extended period and can be even more harmful in disabling your beard to grow thicker.

Start with meditation and let that stress simply melt away. You will be amazed at how much your facial hair will improve after you work at eliminating any stress from your life.

4. Getting Your Rest

In order to increase testosterone in the body, your body simply needs to sleep. Sleeping helps the body to regenerate testosterone, especially if you are getting at least 8 hours sleep a night.

If you are getting enough sleep, your stress will decrease, and your facial hair will benefit.

Getting 5 hours of sleep can reduce your testosterone production by a staggering 15%, which in turn can result in those patchy areas throughout your beard that never seem to fill in.

5. Improve Your Diet

A vitamin-rich diet consists of eating more vegetables. These vegetables are packed with all the minerals and vitamins that your body needs to stay healthy.

Your hair is a protein filament, so the more protein-rich foods you’re consuming the healthier your beard will look.

Some of the foods you should incorporate into your diet are eggs, nuts, and kale. These will increase testosterone production and give your beard that luxurious thicker appearance.

However, vitamins can’t grow a beard for you, if you don’t have it in your genes.

Some men have successfully grown their beards faster and thicker with the help of supplements, but these results should be taken in stride as they will not work for everyone the same way.

Whats more, supplements shouldn’t be taken without consulting with the doctor first on the appropriate dosage for each of them.

6. Apply Beard Oil Regularly

Every man serious about growing a beard will start using best beard oil from the first day. Good beard oil moisturizes your beard and skin underneath while eliminating beard itch and dandruff along the way.

Bonus tip – when choosing a beard oil to grow your beard thicker, go for the one that includes jojoba oil. Jojoba oil is similar to sebum that your skin produces, thus making your beard appear fuller and thicker over time.

Beard oil made with natural ingredients are always the best choice if you want to grow your beard healthier and thicker.

It’s especially important if your beard is exposed to harsh weather conditions or chemicals.

To avoid damaging your beard, you should apply a light layer of beard oil which then locks in moisture and prevents the loss of natural oils in your beard.

8. Trim Your Beard Properly

If you insist on shaping or better said trimming your beard before the 4-week mark, you might want to consider going to a professional barber with significant experience in dealing with beards.

After your beard grows to a certain point, you can start trimming it yourself. Although, this requires a little practice.

You’re going to need a reliable beard trimmer. Good thing to remember is that you should first define your neckline, and then shape the rest of the beard.

Depending on how fast and thick your beard grows, you can trim it two or three times a week.

Avoid trimming your beard after the shower. Trimming as soon as you get out of the shower can confuse you to cut far more of your beard than needed.

Facial hairs are much longer and thicker when wet and you’ll later feel regret if you make this mistake.

9. Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water daily, which is about half your weight in ounces, will help you flush out toxins from your body.

This will make your skin hydrated, and healthier skin means healthier and thicker beard. This one may seem obvious to some, but you will be surprised how many men are not doing it.

10. Shampoo and Condition Your Beard

You know how the hairs on your head benefit from using a good and natural shampoo and conditioner? The same goes for your beard.

After applying the conditioner thoroughly through your beard, leave it for a couple of minutes to do its job. Sliding your hand through the beard will help you determine when is the time to wash it off.

When you notice that your beard feels smoother and silkier, and your hands effortlessly glide through your beard, the conditioner can be removed.

Using quality conditioner from time to time will strengthen your facial hair and make your beard look fuller and thicker.

11. Ignore The Myth That Shaving Makes Beard Grow Thicker and Faster

From time to time you can see the question: Will shaving make beard thicker?

There is no truth in this theory. Don’t fall for this myth. Shaving removes your beard, leaving your beard alone and letting it grow makes it thicker.

When you shave your beard and start growing it again, it will appear to be thicker at the beginning (small optical illusion).

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